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Towards the beginning of the school year we had a project in science called the "cell wars" were basically you were assigned a part of the cell and had to make an ad campaign about why people should vote for you and why you should become the new cell president in substitution for the nucleus.


My group and I were assigned the Vacuole which is the part of the cell that stores nutrition for the cell and waste so that the rest of the cell is protected from contamination. For our ad campaign we made a video and a poster.  I really enjoyed this project and it seemed like everyone else did as well it was very competitive and everyone was trash talking other groups and it was just a real scenario of how a real campaign would have gone along with the haters and the supporters so thank you for everyone who voted for the vacuole and just wanted to inform everyone that we were in a 4 way tie for first... dumb mitochondria!

My video was to big for wix so I have attatched the link below
video link
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