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During this project you had to pick an ancient civilization and plan out a trip and what you civilization would look like if the spanish conquistadors never conquered that area of land. You had to add their food, rituals, games, and traditions. there was 3 civilizations that you could choose from the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas.

I choose the Aztec civilization because I know that a lot of modern day things are inspired by them such as chocolate and vanilla. They were located in modern day mexico. They were the founders of modern day mexico. Back then there capitol was called tenochtitlan but was later replaced with the name mexica which was soon the name of the whole country. There was a civilization that used to live where the aztecs soon dominated they were called the toltecs people believe that the toltecs disappeared because of the domination of the aztecs. Those are just some facts about the Aztecs click on the little PDF symbol that will take you to this brochure I have created.

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