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Taking a Stand: TKM Argumentative Essay

The piece I choose to present in ELA was my TKM argumentative essay. I believe this essay was some of my best work because I spent a lot of time planning it out and crafting it. My english teacher was really good and helpful to me during this essay always giving me feedback trying to make sure this was some of my best work. I tried to make this essay captivating and exciting but also made sure it displayed my writing skills. In history that week we were learning about personal qualities and one was justice so I also used what I learned in my essay, it really shows how much AdVENTURE is intertwined together.  


   Taking a Stand: TKM Argumentative Essay

  Justice, strictly following what you believe is fair and just. A quality that most people desire to have, a quality that Atticus possesses. That value comes into play when he made the decision to defend Tom Robinson. Atticus shows quality characteristics that influence his decision such as showing justice to all races, he is self assured and he is persistent. Ethics are decisions made in society based on your values. It occurs frequently when determining what's right from wrong. Like how Atticus chose to defend Tom Robinson although he knew the town would not agree. Even though Atticus knew that that he would not win the case he stayed with Tom and did everything in his power to defend him because he knew that if he didn’t he would not be able to call himself a man, he would not be able to live with himself (pg.100).


     Atticus demonstrates justice by showing equality to all races. An example of this would be when Aunt Alexandra tries to tell Calpurnia that she should leave but Atticus goes against his own family to make the right decision and stand up for Calpurnia telling her that she can stay for as long as she wants (pg.200-207). With his values influencing his decision to keep Calpurnia it shows how he is able to handle a situation between two important people in his life but in the end choosing the right decision.


    Atticus is self assured meaning he doesn't let negative commentary influence his decisions. An example of this would be when he followed through his decision to support Tom Robinson(ch.3). Even though many people said that he was a trader or making the wrong decision he knew that defending Tom was the right decision and he kept his word and supported Tom with everything he could offer. This also occurred in chapter 15 (Pg. 200-207) when there where rioters outside of Toms jail cell threatening to kill him. Atticus stood outside the jailhouse all night making sure they did not lay a single finger on Tom. Atticus will go to great lengths for the people who he cares about.


    Atticus is very persistent and will keep fighting until justice is served. Atticus shows persistence through his fight for Tom Robinson. He teaches Scout that no matter if they win or lose will keep fighting for Tom Robinson to try and save him from his punishment. He explains this when he says, “Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win”  (101). Many people said Atticus was a ‘Nigger lover’ and various other things.  “He had announced in the schoolyard the day before that Scout Finch’s daddy defended Niggers.”(ch.9) The children would talk about it; "If Uncle Atticus lets you run around with stray dogs, that’s his own business; like Grandma says, so it ain’t your fault. I guess it ain’t your fault if Uncle Atticus is a nigger-lover besides, but I’m here to tell you it certainly does mortify the rest of the family—"(ch.9)The family would talk about it; "Lemme tell you somethin‘ now, Billy," a third said, "you know the court appointed him to defend this nigger." "Yeah, but Atticus aims to defend him. That’s what I don’t like about it.” (ch.16) Even the neighbors conversed about it. Above all Atticus knew he was doing the right thing because Tom Robinson was innocent and like I mentioned earlier he is self assured and didn't care what any other negative people had to say and he always showed justice he was the bigger person took on the case and did everything in his power to help defend Tom Robinson, he was one of very many people who would help a negro, and overall he did it with pride.

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